Sri P. Venugopal and Sri Naozar Naoshir Chenoy, associated to form a Partnership, in the name and style of VENUGOPAL & CHENOY on August 10, 1964. The Office was set up at a premises famously came to be known as Sagar Talkies Building, though the premises was owned by one Dr. Remedio.

Every year the VENUGOPAL & CHENOY ASSOCIATION DAY was celebrated with a get-together of all the trainees and the members on the staff for a Lunch at a Hotel. As the number of the V&C family went up the venue for the Association Day celebration shifted to the residence of Sri P. Venugopal. In 1973 or ‘74 it was a first outing to Nagarjuna Sagar to celebrate VENUGOPAL & CHENOY ASSOCIATION DAY.

It had become a regular practice from then on to celebrate the Day by having a get-together at a venue far from the madding crowd. Games were conducted by Sri Naozar Chenoy for the benefit of the students and the staff and all the guests to mark the occasion and prizes were also given away by him to all the winners. The VENUGOPAL & CHENOY ASSOCIATION DAY was celebrated almost every year till date.

2014 marks the Golden Jubilee Year and it was celebrated in a grand atmosphere with more than members, who are associates of the V & C family rekindled their old memories.

  • Souvenirs in the form of Silver Coin with engraved photos of Sri.Venugopal and Sri.Chenoy were distributed to all the participants
  • All the Partners were felicitated by old students and staff and a token of remembarance of the occasion was given to all the participants.
  • Partners have shared their experiences and alumni members of V & C family also expressed their joy and happiness on the occasion.

This website is launched to request all the associates to register on the website, in an endeavour to make the wish of Sri Naozar Chenoy a reality.